release-collection RONIN Release: Wednesday 27th March 2024 New Object Storage Bucket Migration and Management Screen for Admins! IPV4 pricing, improved support communication methods, improved RONIN audit logging, bucket creation dates and more Windows launch script options!
beginner-collection Managing versions in object storage Enabling versioning on an object storage bucket is a great way to make sure you never lose important work, but how exactly do you get a file version back if you want to revert your changes? This blog post covers everything you need to know about version management!
spack Spack is Research Computing's Best Friend Research and cloud computing are a perfect fit, but the reality of managing software on dynamic clusters in the cloud can be a challenge. Fortunately, nifty tools like Spack can help get you up and running with optimised versions of your required software in just minutes.
software-collection Documenting Your Workloads With Markdown In this blog post we are going to focus on how to take your code documentation to the next level with a popular markup language known as Markdown.
classroom Virtual Classrooms in RONIN The creation of virtual classrooms in the cloud with RONIN means students are no longer confined to the physical hardware available at their institution, and professors have a simple way of ensuring all students have access to the same environment to complete their coursework.
cluster Configuring and Managing Your own Autoscaling Cluster Configuring and managing your own autoscaling cluster in the cloud does take a bit of getting used to. Luckily we're here to teach you the ropes and help you get your cluster set up just the way you like it!
storage Data Management in RONIN Effective data management is crucial in the cloud but with so many storage options available, things can be a little confusing. This blog post summarises all you need to know about the different data storage options in RONIN and when to use them.
software Installing and Managing Bioinformatics Software with Conda One of the first hurdles when getting started with cloud computing is understanding how to best install and manage the software you wish to use for your analyses. Fortunately, this can be a breeze thanks to the package management system known as Conda.
object Connect Your Windows / Mac to Your Object Storage Bucket with Cyberduck In our previous article, we explained Object Storage, versioning and archiving. Once you have created an object store and generated a key, you can then connect to it!
connect RONIN LINK - Our Handy Desktop App! (v3.0.5) We aim to minimise the complexity of cloud, not just those with IT degrees. Introducing our new SSH desktop app for Ubuntu - RONIN LINK!
snapshot Your Project Backups (Snapshots) Summary Here at RONIN, we aim to simplify everything related to cloud computing. We decided the word backup is a simplified word for snapshot.
machines Managing your Machines in RONIN The Machine Summary screen is your go-to for everything machine related!
admin Admin Budget Management First of all, RONIN has no cheat codes :( However, it does have an Admin permissions group! That means you'll be able to monitor every project within your organisation!