Admin Budget Management

First of all, RONIN has no cheat codes :( However, it does have an Admin permissions group! That means you'll be able to monitor every project within your organisation!

Admin Budget Management

First of all, RONIN has no cheat codes :(

However, it does have special Admin tools! That means administrators are easily able to monitor every project within your organisation!

If you've been added to the Admin Permissions group (ask your administrator) you will notice a new shiny blue button at the top of your navigation menu.

Dashboard Admin Arrow

Click on it and a dropdown of a number of different admin tools will appear.


One of the most important tools is the Budget Management tool, which will take you to the following screen:

The top card shows a summary of how well all projects in RONIN are going, by showing:

  • SPEND - Current money spent in RONIN
  • REMAINING - Money remaining in the budget and
  • BUDGET - The total money attributed in RONIN

The bottom card is a detailed view of the above, listed by projects e.g.:

This is where you can monitor projects in RONIN to see if they are being as efficient as possible. A warning symbol will be shown for projects where the forecasted cost is above the total budget amount. You can easily sort the columns as needed to see a quick glance of projects that are spending the most or close to their end date etc.

You can also see if projects have auto pause enabled and what the auto pause threshold is. Got a rogue project showing massive expenditure? You can manually pause it instantly using the pause button. The pause button will stop all the machines in that project, meaning the running cost of the project will be reduced to.. well, almost nothing!

Note: Costs for any storage associated with the project (storage drives, backups, packages, object storage) will still accumulate. You can click the CLOSE button to view a list of resources remaining within the project.

Paused projects can also be resumed at any time, or closed once all the resources within that project have been removed.

Projects in the Budget Management list can be filtered based on their active/closed status or based on a search term. The Budget Management information can also be exported as a neat little csv file to fulfil all of your analysis desires.


More features are constantly being added here, so stay tuned!

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