Searching for Resources and Projects in RONIN

On the search results page, you will see everything that you have access to. Start typing in one of the search bars to narrow your results, or look for a particular Project, Machine, Storage or Package

Searching for Resources and Projects in RONIN

We know finding your wallet when you're in a hurry can sometimes be tricky. Wouldn't it be awesome if you could type wallet into a search bar and it would respond with "In The Fridge"

Wait what?! I don't remember putting it there...

Sadly, we can't help you find your wallet. But we can help you find anything in RONIN!

Click on the Search Projects in the left menu to navigate to the search results page!


Here, you will see everything that you have access to. Start typing in one of the search bars to narrow your results, and press enter to get a narrowed down search results page that matches your keywords.

Or if you're looking for a particular Project, Machine, Storage or Package, clicking on an item in the suggestions dropdown will take you directly to it.


The sections below the search results are

Projects - all projects you have access to. Click one to make it your current project and be taken to the Dashboard.


Machines - all machines that you have access to across all matching projects. You can click on the Project to make this your current project, or click on the machine button to go to the Machine Summary page for this machine.


Storage - all storage items that you have access to across all matching projects. This will show storage thats attached to individual machines, as well as available project storage. Click on a storage item to navigate to the Storage Summary screen.


Packages - all packages that you have access to across all matching projects. These will be available in the New Machine screen in the packages section.

You can also search from any page within RONIN by clicking the icon in the right section top nav bar, or navigate to the search results page on the left nav bar, highlighted in the image below!

Now, all you have to do, is remember where your wallet is!