software-collection Accessing your RONIN object storage with Rclone Rclone is a command-line program that allows you to copy, sync, and move files between your local system to various cloud storage services. This blog post will teach you how to install and configure Rclone to manage files in your object storage bucket.
software-collection Creating and managing your own Galaxy server in RONIN Galaxy is an open-source platform which allows users to use command-line tools via a graphical web interface. This blog post will teach you how to set up your own Galaxy server with RONIN.
linux Featured A Gentle Guide to Linux File Permissions Linux file permissions are mysterious, and when faced with permissions errors, most researchers respond either by using sudo or by changing the permissions so that everyone can do everything to the files. The first is the equivalent of finding a locked door and bashing it in....
Administrator Featured Your RONIN Superpower: The sudo Command Everyone who creates a machine or a cluster in RONIN has a superpower: the ability to become somebody else. Another user on that computer, that is, including the supreme superuser who has permissions to do anything, whose name is "root".
linux An Introduction to Linux Directories and the PATH Variable To effectively manage your compute environment in the cloud, you need to understand the Linux directory structure, as well as key environment variables such as the PATH variable. This blog post is here to teach you the basics.
linux 10 Simple Linux Commands Every Researcher Should Know Being able to work with and manipulate files directly via the command line is one of the most useful skills to develop when working in the cloud. This blog post will introduce you to 10 common Linux commands that are crucial for your analysis artillery.
parallel Parallelising Jobs with GNU Parallel In the cloud, you can easily scale the size of your computing resources to fit your needs, meaning you have the ability to run many commands or scripts in parallel. This is where GNU parallel comes in handy!
Getting Started Running Commands in the Background with GNU Screen Being able to run commands and scripts directly from the command-line is great; however, some commands or scripts may need to run for extended periods without interruption. GNU Screen provides a simple solution to ensure your analyses are never prematurely terminated again.
data Copying Large Datasets to Your Object Storage Bucket with the AWS Command Line Interface The beauty of having your data in your object storage (S3 bucket) is that any machine or projects you create in RONIN can access the data.. only if you want it to. If you're a Windows or Mac user, you can read this article on copying data to
s3 Connecting to a Public S3 Bucket Connecting to a public S3 bucket is alot easier than connecting a Linux machine to your S3 bucket I have a Public Object Store already, lets get started! Step 1 - Download and Setup the Amazon Command Line Interface (CLI) Amazon provide a wonderful article on [installing the CLI here]