jupyter Enhancing AI Research: Seamlessly Connecting RONIN's Jupyter Notebook to Google Colab Google Colab is a free hosted Jupyter Notebook service. This blog post will walk you through all the steps you need to connect Google Colab to your RONIN machine so that you can receive all the benefits of the Google Colab platform, without being restricted by computational power.
software-collection Documenting Your Workloads With Markdown In this blog post we are going to focus on how to take your code documentation to the next level with a popular markup language known as Markdown.
application Useful Desktop Apps For Researchers Because many researchers work closely with the command line to run their analyses, managing and documenting scripts and workloads is key for reproducibility. In this blog post we describe three helpful classes of desktop applications that you can use to better manage your research workflows.
software-collection Version Control of Your Scripts with Git Git is an essential version control tool for anyone who writes their own code or scripts. This blog post will give you a simple introduction to the beginner fundamentals of Git.
s3 Connect R to Object Storage There's so much research data out there and R is a popular way to mash it up, scrape it down, run statistics on it and make it beautiful. You can access research data available in object storage buckets directly from within R....
jupyter Accessing a Jupyter Notebook with RONIN First up let's fire up a new Ubuntu machine. If you need a reminder on how to do that click here. Note: Some pre-configured software packages, such as the Deep Learning packages, will already come with Jupyter Notebook installed. You can select one of these packages instead of
rstudio Creating and Connecting to RStudio with RONIN LINK In this video, we will show you how to get started with RStudio in RONIN, from creating a new machine with RStudio installed, to accessing it through your web browser via RONIN LINK
authentication Login to RONIN - Two-Factor Authentication Explained RONIN just got a whole lot more secure! Introducing Two Factor Authentication!