RONIN Release: Wednesday 25th September 2024

Automatic Drive Backups, New Empty Object Storage Feature, Custom RONIN Package Catalogue AMI Updates for Admins and RONIN Kickstarter Projects!

RONIN Release: Wednesday 25th September 2024

Features For Users

Automatic Drive Backups

  • Automatic volumes of storage drives can now be enabled in RONIN from the Drive Storage screen
  • You can choose a backup frequency of daily, weekly or monthly
  • There is also an option to set the maximum number of backups to keep - RONIN will automatically remove the oldest backups once you reach the maximum number
  • Drives can still be manually backed up at any point in time between the manual backups - automatic backups will be flagged so that you can differentiate between them
  • Automatic drive backups can be disabled at any time by turning the toggle off in the drive storage screen
Note: RONIN will always keep any manual backups you do. RONIN will only clean up automated backups if you have set a maximum number of backups to keep.

Empty Bucket Feature

  • You can now set your object storage buckets to be emptied in RONIN
  • RONIN will give you the option to either keep your bucket once it is emptied, or delete the bucket once it is empty
  • Object storage buckets can take a few days to completely empty - while they are being emptied your bucket will show an emptying status and whether the bucket will be kept or deleted
  • You will no longer be able to configure archiving or versioning rules when emptying a bucket and any previous rules will be removed on empty
Note: Once you choose to empty the bucket ALL files in the bucket will be removed (including any versions and archived files) and you cannot cancel this process until the bucket is completely empty, so choose wisely!

Features For Admins

Custom RONIN Package Catalogue AMI Updates

  • When adding or editing a package in the RONIN Package Catalogue, you will now have the option to enable custom updates for the package via the AWS Systems Manager Parameter Store
  • This will allow you to edit the AMI ID from AWS by changing the specified parameter value, rather than having to edit the AMI ID in RONIN
  • This can assist with CI/CD deployments of images or allow admins to create their own custom AMI update scripts in AWS to ensure packages are kept up to date for users
  • For more information, please see this blog post

RONIN Kickstarter Projects

  • A new feature that can enable the automatic provisioning of "kickstarter" projects for users upon their first successful login to the platform
  • Defaults for kickstarter project parameters e.g. Budget, Timeframe, Autopause threshold etc are all automatically defined
  • For more information, see our Kickstarter blog post

Bug Fixes

  • User email addresses are now case insensitive to prevent any mismatches with active directory standards
  • Can now use a list of parameters instead of a single parameter for specifying protected domains that should be excluded from RONIN - see more info here