parallel Parallelising Jobs with GNU Parallel In the cloud, you can easily scale the size of your computing resources to fit your needs, meaning you have the ability to run many commands or scripts in parallel. This is where GNU parallel comes in handy!
Getting Started Running Commands in the Background with GNU Screen Being able to run commands and scripts directly from the command-line is great; however, some commands or scripts may need to run for extended periods without interruption. GNU Screen provides a simple solution to ensure your analyses are never prematurely terminated again.
docker Create and Connect to a Docker Machine with RONIN Watch this video to see how easy it is to create and connect to a Docker machine.
connect RONIN LINK - Our Handy Desktop App! (v3.0.5) We aim to minimise the complexity of cloud, not just those with IT degrees. Introducing our new SSH desktop app for Ubuntu - RONIN LINK!