RONIN Release: Thursday 11th May 2023
Minor release - Improved machine quota notifications, improved machine metadata security, bug fixes.

Improved machine quota notifications
- If a user tries to start or launch a machine in RONIN that surpasses the currently set quota for that machine type in the RONIN AWS account, the user will now receive a more informative alert and the RONIN System Administrator for the account will receive an email alert advising them to request a quota increase from AWS for that machine group.

Single machines now enforce IMDSv2
- When launching new single instances from RONIN, the AWS Instance Metadata Service Version 2 (IMDSv2) will automatically be enforced. IMDSv2 adds an improved layer of security and protects against four types of vulnerabilities that could be used to try to access the IMDS. More information can be found here.
Please Note: IMDSv2 is not currently enforced for Auto Scale Clusters in RONIN as it is not supported in Parallel Cluster v2.6.1.
Bug Fixes
- Added character validation to the WBS Code and Purchase Order Number tags of projects due to certain special characters causing issues when tagging resources in the project.
- Created a catch for conflicts between object store version deletion and archival settings - the automated deletion of versions cannot be set prior to version archival. Users will receive an alert if their object store settings would cause this conflict.
- Endpoint discovery is now enabled by default so that RONIN can leverage any VPC endpoints that are configured within the account to enable private connections to supported AWS services.