RONIN Release: Friday 7th January 2022
Introducing Auto Pause!

Auto Pause for greater budget control, and peace of mind!
- Auto Pause allows Project Admins to specify a budget threshold at which all machines and clusters within a project are stopped automatically. Project users will no longer be able to start, stop or create machines or clusters until the project has resumed.
- We recommend setting the auto pause threshold a little lower than your project budget to give yourself some leeway for any remaining data storage costs associated with the project.
- Projects can also be paused and resumed manually whenever required
- Email alerts will be sent to the registered email addresses when a project is paused

More intuitive control for setting up email alerts
- Project admins will automatically be added to receive budgeting alerts when creating a project in RONIN
- Users can be added or removed from the budgeting alerts easily with the new form tools

Bug Fixes
- Fixed picture cropping issues that were occurring in some browsers
- Fixed the package table from showing incorrectly formatted dates on additional pages
- Additional budgets can now be added to the AWS budgets tool without interfering with RONIN budgets
- Big performance upgrades
- Improved audit logging capabilities
- Other minor bug fixes