SSH and Windows 10

Finally! Windows has got with the time and enabled both a Client and Server SSH tool for using when connecting to machines!

How to Enable and Use Windows 10’s New Built-in SSH Commands
Microsoft announced it was bringing an integrated OpenSSH client to Windows in 2015. They’ve finally done it, and an SSH client is hidden in Windows 10’s Fall Creators Update. You can now connect to an Secure Shell server from Windows without installing PuTTY or any other third-party software.

Here's the summarised version of the link above to get started with this in RONIN

How to Install Windows 10’s SSH Client

The SSH client is a part of Windows 10, but it’s an “optional feature” that isn’t installed by default.

To install it, head to Settings > Apps and click “Manage optional features” under Apps & features.

Click “Add a feature” at the top of the list of installed features. If you already have the SSH client installed, it will appear in the list here.

Scroll down, click the “OpenSSH Client (Beta)” option, and click “Install”.

Step 2 - Connect to your machine.

Assuming your key is located in the Downloads folder, to connect to this machine run the below in a command prompt (Start Menu > Command Prompt)

ssh -i %userprofile%\Downloads\your-key.pem  
Step 3 - Connect to your app web server!

To access your app from the cloud (e.g. Jupyter notebook) we need to add the port forward!

ssh -i %userprofile%\Downloads\your-key.pem -L 8888:localhost:8888

To see if your notebook is running

jupyter notebook list

To start a notebook (if none are running)

jupyter notebook

You will see a url that looks like this


Copy and paste this url into your Chrome browser

Tada! All done!